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Navigating Towards Visa-Free Travel: Exploring Opportunities and Risks | CR Insights Series: Volume 02

Apr 2024

In an age of globalization, countries increasingly embrace visa-free travel policies to stimulate economic growth, cultural exchange, and diplomatic ties. Passport strength plays a crucial role –– stronger passports grant easier access to more countries. Eliminating visa requirements can significantly boost tourism, facilitate business operations, and fuel economic prosperity while fostering cross-cultural understanding. However, this "openness" also carries inherent risks. National security concerns, illegal immigration, economic challenges, and public health issues are just some of the potential problems countries grapple with when considering visa-free policies. These factors necessitate a careful balancing act as countries weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks before implementing visa-free travel.

A Historical Perspective: Passports and Visas Through Time

The concept of passports and visas can be traced back to early European practices.

  • Early versions emerged in France as "letters of request" ("passe port") meaning "to pass through a port" (Lehmann, 2023).
  • Adopted by other European countries, requiring visas for travel.
  • Became essential for international travel after World War I due to security concerns.
  • Modern technology transformed passports:
    • The first electronic version in 1998 included fingerprints.
    • Now stores travel history.

The rise of nation-states in the 19th century led to stricter controls on immigration and emigration. This period witnessed the emergence of travel visas, which remain significant in modern travel. Additionally, the 1980s and 1990s saw the implementation of carrier sanctions, preventing individuals without visas from boarding airplanes (Czaika et al., 2018). As a result, travel visas became a cornerstone of extraterritorial policy control, especially when coupled with carrier sanctions. Studies (Whyte, 2008) reveal a preference for granting visa-free access to citizens of countries with Western-style democracies and economies. This approach aims to mitigate the risks posed by nations experiencing civil war, terrorism, or drug trafficking.

Visa policies significantly impact a country's tourism industry, which plays a vital role in many economies. With an estimated 1.3 billion international tourists in 2023 (UNWTO, 2024), visa restrictions can create substantial hurdles. Studies have highlighted the negative effects of visa limitations on tourist arrivals (Czaika et al., 2018). Hidden costs, lack of transparency and automation, and lengthy and complex application processes are all pain points for potential tourists. Countries opting for visa-free schemes for citizens of specific countries address this concern while still maintaining some level of security control. These schemes attract a broader tourist base and stimulate economic growth.

Unveiling the Advantages of "Openness"

As countries reevaluate the global mobility landscape and its economic benefits, the "openness" trend of visa-free travel gains traction. This approach fosters seamless trade and business interactions, boosts tourism, and strengthens diplomatic relations. Tang (2020) emphasizes the concept of "soft power" –– efficient visa issuance and customs clearance procedures can significantly influence outbound tourism to a specific country. Less complex and time-consuming visa processes reduce administrative burdens for travelers. Visa-free policies eliminate this hassle altogether.

Visa exemptions emerged in the 1960s and have become a widely used diplomatic tool between countries. Visa regimes reflect geopolitical ties and can be leveraged for negotiation advantages (Czaika, 2018). A prime example is Turkey's agreement with the European Union (EU) in 2016, granting visa-free entry to Turkish citizens in exchange for "full collaboration with the EU's border policies." Another strategy adopted by countries was utilizing visa-free policies for post-COVID-19 recovery. Travel restrictions imposed by governments during the pandemic significantly reduced international travel for nearly two years.

Despite the World Health Organization (WHO) consistently advising against travel restrictions, many countries implemented visa limitations to protect their populations from the spread of COVID-19. However, as the pandemic subsided, countries aimed for a swift return to pre-pandemic conditions. This led to numerous countries reshaping their visa policies to facilitate mobility, as evidenced by the World Openness Index from 2021 to 2022 (Passport Index). The European Commission (2023) underscores the importance of visa-free travel in stimulating business and tourism, highlighting its enduring economic, social, and cultural advantages for both EU member states and non-EU nations. The OECD estimates that the travel and tourism industry alone contributed 4.4% of the GDP of OECD member countries in 2019, accounting for roughly 7% of all global exports.

This increased mobility translates to a significant boost in job opportunities within the tourism and trade sectors, subsequently enhancing a country's productivity. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council's 2019 report on Visa Facilitation, Indonesia's 30-day visa waiver policy resulted in a 24% surge in inbound demand from 2015 to 2018. This growth also created approximately 190,000 new jobs. Mexico's experience offers another example.

By leveraging a visa waiver program for holders of third-party visas like US and Schengen visas, Mexico witnessed a 17% increase in inbound tourist demand and a 10 million rise in international arrivals from 2010 to 2015, reaching 32.1 million in 2015. China's tourism sector also reported a "clear effect" with a 39% increase in tourist arrivals in the first three days after implementing a visa-free policy (Reuters, 2023). In Japan's case, visa-free policies for Europe (specifically the European Union), America, and Oceania have significantly boosted inbound tourism and facilitated access to a more diverse travel market.

Studies by Nitsch (2018) further solidify the link between easier cross-border travel and visa administration with increased economic trade. The research demonstrates a 32% rise in export rates when two countries grant visa-free access to more than 74 countries. The Schengen Agreement, which allows visa-free travel between member states, serves as a prime example of the positive impact of visa exemptions on trade and the economy. Additionally, Davis and Gift (2014) found that a one percent increase in immigration leads to a corresponding 0.10% increase in bilateral trade between two EU countries. This rise extends to imports and exports as well, with a 0.11% and 0.14% increase, respectively. The Schengen Agreement has demonstrably impacted European trade by facilitating mobility.

Akman (2016) emphasizes the significance of face-to-face communication and meetings in business discussions, stressing the need for a professional environment. Visa-free travel encourages foreign direct investment (FDI), as confirmed by a study examining the correlation between Turkey's visa policies and trade (Akman, 2016). Liberal visa policies are considered crucial for increasing FDI inflows. Akman's report highlights that Turkey's top 10 export partners have visa exemptions or other facilitations like e-visas or visas on arrival. Conversely, visa restrictions were found to hinder exports by 12%. Similarly, Rwanda witnessed a surge in African investors and visitors after implementing a visa-free system in 2013 (UN, 2017). These studies underscore the positive impact of visa-free travel on trade, highlighting how countries can leverage it to bolster their economies.

The Other Side of the Coin: Drawbacks and Risks

Visa requirements play a vital role in ensuring safe travel and protecting the security of both the origin and destination countries. These requirements serve as a control mechanism for global mobility, aiming to reduce illegal stays and criminal activities. The visa application process, with its various sections and lengthy verification procedures, functions as the first line of defense against undesirable outcomes. While visa-free travel presents undeniable opportunities, it also poses risks for both host countries and visitors. Striking a careful balance between openness and security is paramount when considering these factors. Countries generally aim to avoid encouraging over-tourism, which can pose potential risks to locals and the environment, while still reaping the benefits of tourism.

In 2022, the European Union reported approximately 150,000 asylum applications from visa-free countries, raising concerns about increased migrant arrivals (Euronews, 2023). These applications were suspected to originate from individuals exploiting loopholes in the visa-free system rather than from genuinely vulnerable countries. Another concern highlighted was the surge in irregular border crossings through the Western Balkan Route in 2022, which triggered efforts towards visa policy alignments for the EU's Western Balkan partners. Although some fear that visa-free protocols facilitate smuggling and human trafficking, there's inconclusive evidence to support this. Studies by the European Migration Network (2019) found no clear link between visa-free policies and these issues, suggesting this shouldn't be considered a negative consequence of the system.

A Balancing Act

The decision to adopt visa-free policies requires careful consideration of both opportunities and risks.  Countries like Saudi Arabia are using visa-free travel and e-visas to boost tourism as part of their economic diversification efforts (Alarabiya, 2023; Fragomen, 2023; Tempo, 2022).  Similarly, the United Arab Emirates recently implemented visa exemptions to attract tourists after the pandemic (The Aviator, 2023).

Some countries are attempting to balance openness with quality control by implementing specific regulations.  For instance, Iceland offers longer-stay visas to high-earning individuals to stimulate the economy and alleviate pressure on popular tourist destinations (Lehmann, 2023).  Studies in Indonesia show that visa-free policies can lead to increased tourist arrivals and a more diversified tourism industry (Yudhistira et al., 2020).

The OIC Example: Balancing Openness with National Interests

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) offers a unique case study in visa-free travel. Established in 1969 to promote cooperation among Muslim-majority countries, the OIC has yet to implement large-scale visa-free policies.  While some members, like Malaysia and Indonesia, offer visa-free entry to many OIC nations, visa policies are primarily decided bilaterally due to diverse national interests (OIC, 2022).

The OIC's "Intra-OIC Travel Visa Index" reflects this disparity.  Developed by CrescentRating, the index measures a country's visa openness based on both inbound and outbound visa-free access (CrescentRating Intra-OIC Travel Visa Index).  Malaysia, with visa-free access to most OIC countries and welcoming inbound travel from all members, sits at the top of the list.  This openness has demonstrably boosted Malaysia's tourism industry, with over 20% of its 2022 tourists coming from OIC nations (UNWTO data referenced earlier).

Indonesia, with a mid-range index score, offers visa-free entry to only a portion of OIC countries.  Despite this, it still attracts a similar percentage of OIC tourists as Malaysia, highlighting the importance of factors beyond visa policies, such as a country's Muslim-friendliness ranking (GMTI).  Conversely, Egypt, with low scores on both inbound and outbound visa-free access, demonstrates that visa policies are not a guaranteed solution for boosting tourism.

This example underscores the complexity of visa-free travel within the OIC.  National security concerns, economic considerations, and bilateral relations all play a role.  While some OIC members are exploring openness, others remain cautious.

The Nuances of "Openness": Navigating Benefits and Risks

The report acknowledges the inherent bias within visa-free policies, favoring developed nations (Global North) over developing nations (Global South). Critics argue that visa-free access often flows more freely from wealthy nations to poorer ones, hindering reciprocity and creating an unequal playing field.  Additionally, concerns arise regarding potential "brain drain" from developing countries with relaxed visa policies, as skilled professionals may be more inclined to seek opportunities abroad.

However, proponents of visa-free travel counter that such policies can stimulate knowledge transfer and cultural exchange. Additionally, relaxed visa requirements for students can benefit educational institutions in the host country.  Furthermore, visa-free programs can be structured strategically to target specific demographics or sectors, mitigating the risks of brain drain while attracting desirable skilled workers.

The report emphasizes responsible implementation as key to maximizing the benefits of visa-free travel.  Strategies include:

  • Targeted visa-free programs:  Tailoring visa exemptions to specific demographics (e.g., students, entrepreneurs) or sectors (e.g., healthcare, technology) can address specific needs while mitigating risks.
  • Information sharing and cooperation:  Collaboration between countries on border security measures and information exchange can enhance security without hindering travel.
  • Effective visa-on-arrival programs:  Visa-on-arrival systems can offer a middle ground, allowing for some screening while facilitating travel.
  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation:  Regularly assessing the impact of visa-free programs and making adjustments as needed is crucial for ensuring their effectiveness.

Conclusion: A Balancing Act for the Future

In conclusion, the report underscores the multifaceted nature of visa-free travel.  While it presents undeniable economic and cultural advantages, potential security risks and imbalances require careful consideration.  By implementing responsible policies, fostering international cooperation, and continuously evaluating outcomes, countries can reap the benefits of visa-free travel while mitigating the associated drawbacks.  As the global mobility landscape continues to evolve, this approach will be crucial for navigating the path toward a more interconnected and prosperous future.

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