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Japan's Readiness for Halal Travel: Insights and Strategic Opportunities

Dec 2023

Halal tourism in Japan is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for economic growth, cultural diplomacy, and global competitiveness. This article unveils Japan's readiness, market potential, and commitment to becoming a Halal-friendly destination, promising readers an enlightening exploration at the intersection of tradition and opportunity.

Japan, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and picturesque landscapes, stands on the precipice of a transformative opportunity—the untapped potential of Halal tourism. As we explore the profound intersection of tradition and innovation, this article serves as a clarion call to the business titans of Japan and the visionary leaders within the government. Beyond the allure of cherry blossoms and ancient temples lies a burgeoning market waiting to be harnessed: the global Halal industry. Join us on a journey to comprehend the latent potential, assess Japan's readiness, and pave the way for a Halal-forward future. It's not merely a trend; it's a strategic imperative for Japan's economic growth, cultural diplomacy, and global competitiveness.

Halal Industry Markets: A Lucrative Landscape

Diving into the expansive realm of Halal markets, a dynamic landscape emerges with promising trajectories across various sectors. The following chart shows the remarkable size and growth of different markets in the global halal industry. Such growth and size are indicative of the rising demand for halal products and services across the globe. These projections underscore the flourishing Halal markets, indicating a compelling landscape for stakeholders and entrepreneurs keen on tapping into the burgeoning global demand for Halal products and services. The Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) 2023 report projects the Halal travel market to grow to $225 billion by 2028. Japan, being one of the top tourist destinations in the world, has huge potential to tap this market.

Key Faith-Based Needs and Preferences of Muslim Travelers

The preferences of Muslim travelers encompass a diverse array of needs that extend beyond mere accommodation and transportation. Rooted in their faith, Muslim travelers seek experiences aligned with their values, a pivotal aspect being the availability of halal-centric options. Beyond the culinary realm, the choice of destinations holds particular significance, with a preference for places rich in cultural and historical ties to Islam.

Safety is very important, as Muslim travelers prioritize destinations where their security is assured, coupled with an expectation of respectful and inclusive treatment. In the digital age, convenience is key, and Muslim travelers express a desire for seamless experiences facilitated by digital platforms attuned to their specific needs. Moreover, fostering opportunities for interaction with fellow travelers who share their faith adds a communal dimension to their journeys, enhancing the overall travel experience for Muslim travelers globally.

Japan's Readiness for Halal Tourism: An Overview

Japan's readiness for Halal tourism is reflected in various facets, including the proliferation of Halal-certified establishments, the availability of mosques and praying spaces, and the influx of Muslim visitors. As of the latest data by Halal Gourmet Japan, Japan boasts a commendable number of 162 Halal-certified restaurants distributed across its nine regions, ensuring a diverse range of dining options for Muslim travelers. Additionally, the presence of 295 mosques and praying spaces strategically located in these regions further underscores Japan's commitment to facilitating religious practices for its Muslim visitors.

The steady increase in the number of Muslim visitors to Japan is a testament to the country's growing popularity as a Halal-friendly destination. Notably, the Japan Muslim Travel Index (JMTI) 2017 report reveals the source countries of Muslim visitors in Japan from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Middle East and other countries. This indicates a broad spectrum of Muslim travellers markets untapped by Japan.

Japan's Global Standing on Muslim-Friendly Tourism

Japan, nestled in East Asia, boasts a captivating landscape covering 377,972 square kilometers and a population of more than 125 million. The country's Muslim population surpasses 200,000, comprising 10% native and 90% foreign individuals. Japan's appeal as a Muslim-friendly destination is evident in its dynamic tourism landscape, which has witnessed a substantial increase in visitors from Muslim countries over the years. According to Japan Tourism Statistics and the GMTI 2023 report, Japan attracted only 0.2% of global Muslim arrivals (110 million) in 2022. However, its steady growth in previous years (2014–2018) indicates its potential to further tap into this market.

The GMTI reflects Japan's strategic commitment, rising from the 11th to the 6th rank among non-OIC countries, securing a GMTI score of 48 globally. Japan's sustainability initiatives, including eco-friendly transportation and cultural preservation, align with responsible tourism practices. Recognized as the 3rd most Muslim women-friendly destination, Japan's efforts, such as Nippon Express Co.'s halal-certified air cargo service, position it as an attractive, authentic, and sustainable haven for global Muslim travelers.

SWOT Analysis: Navigating Japan's Halal Landscape


Japan's strength lies in its key drivers for Halal services, including Halal-certified restaurants and mosques/praying spaces, reinforcing a welcoming environment for Muslim travelers. The nation's rising GMTI score of 48, securing the 6th rank among non-OIC countries in 2023, highlights its commitment to enhancing the Muslim travel experience. Japan's initiatives, such as a Halal-certified domestic air cargo transport service and inclusion in the GIEI Report 2023 for a strong Halal presence, exemplify proactive measures. Government support further strengthens the foundation for the promotion of Halal.


Challenges arise in terms of knowledge and Halal talents within Japan. There is a notable lack of awareness among the Japanese population and entrepreneurs regarding Halal practices, and limited human resources possess the necessary knowledge and skills. Simultaneously, collaboration within the Halal business sector is lacking, coupled with insufficient marketing efforts to promote the presence of Halal in Japan.


Opportunities abound for Japan in the Halal market. With only 0.2% of global Muslim travelers visiting Japan in 2022, there exists an untapped consumer segment that can be strategically engaged. The growing Muslim travel market in various sectors, including Halal F&B, Modest Fashion, Halal Tourism, Media, Pharmaceuticals, and Cosmetics, presents lucrative prospects. Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fostering collaboration, particularly in Halal tourism, can catalyze sustainable development and the equitable distribution of tourism benefits.


Japan faces global competition from Muslim-majority and non-Muslim-majority countries in the Halal tourism industry, posing a threat to its market share. Negative word of mouth, regulatory challenges related to adhering to diverse international Halal standards, and the impact of economic and geopolitical factors, including economic instability and currency fluctuations, present potential threats to Japan's Halal promotion efforts.

Call to Action: The Imperative of Emphasizing Halal

There are a number of compelling reasons for Japan to prioritize Halal, from tapping into a growing global market to boosting tourism revenue, enhancing cultural understanding, and contributing to sustainable development goals.

1. Tap into a Growing Global Market

By adopting Halal practices, Japan can attract a larger segment of the global Muslim travel market, which is growing steadily. This can lead to a significant increase in the number of Muslim tourists visiting Japan. Simultaneously, there is a potential opportunity in the global halal export market that remains untapped by Japan. Read our article to learn more about the opportunities in halal tourism.

2. Diversify and Boost Tourism Revenue

Halal tourism presents an opportunity for Japan to diversify its tourism offerings. Catering to Muslim travelers can contribute to increased tourism revenue, as it opens up new markets and attracts visitors seeking Halal-friendly experiences.

3. Enhance Cultural Understanding

Embracing Halal practices demonstrates Japan's commitment to inclusivity and cultural diversity. It fosters a more welcoming environment for visitors from Muslim-majority countries, promoting cross-cultural understanding and harmony.

4. Optimal Utilization of Resources

Japan possesses cultural, historical, and natural resources that appeal to Muslim travelers. Adapting to Halal requirements ensures the optimal utilization of these resources, making Japan a more attractive destination for a broader audience.

5. Economic Growth and Job Creation

The adoption of Halal practices in the tourism sector can stimulate economic growth. It has the potential to create employment opportunities, especially in areas such as hospitality, food services, and tourism-related businesses.

6. International Collaboration and Partnerships

Embracing Halal tourism aligns with international standards and promotes collaboration with countries and organizations that prioritize Halal practices. This can lead to mutually beneficial partnerships, contributing to global tourism sustainability.

7. Position Japan as a Muslim-Friendly Destination

A commitment to Halal practices positions Japan as a Muslim-friendly destination. This positive image can lead to favorable reviews and recommendations within the global Muslim community, further boosting Japan's tourism reputation.

8. Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Halal tourism aligns with several SDGs, including economic growth, responsible consumption, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. Japan's adoption of Halal practices can contribute to the achievement of these global development goals.


In conclusion, Japan stands at the crossroads of a transformative journey into the realm of Halal tourism, embodying a strategic imperative for economic growth, cultural diplomacy, and global competitiveness. The rich tapestry of Japan's cultural heritage, coupled with its picturesque landscapes, forms the backdrop for a compelling narrative. The burgeoning global Halal industry, especially in sectors like tourism, signals a lucrative landscape for Japanese businesses and the government to harness. As the article assesses Japan’s readiness, the commendable number of Halal-certified establishments and the steady rise in Muslim visitors underscore Japan's potential to become a Halal-friendly destination.

The GMTI ascent and sustainability initiatives highlight Japan's commitment to accommodating diverse cultural needs. Navigating through the SWOT analysis reveals strengths to leverage, weaknesses to address, opportunities to explore, and threats to mitigate in this pursuit. The call to action echoes the imperative of emphasizing Halal, not just as a trend but as a strategic choice with multifaceted benefits. It's a journey towards a more inclusive, diverse, and economically vibrant future for Japan and its place in the evolving landscape of global tourism

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